Monday, May 14, 2007

I flew from Anchorage to King Salmon on 5/5 in a small turbo prop
My rig is at a storage lot in Anchorage waiting for the drive home on 9/20ish
I met my teamates and we spent a week getting to know each other in training. The training included getting strapped in a cage and dumped into a pool upside down to learn how to react if you are in a plane that goes down over water. It was great fun.
We flew in a small float plane from king salmon to Brooks Falls in a small float plane.
There is still a small amount of ice on the lakes and the weather is quite cool.
Here is where we landed at Naknek lake. We will be living and working on the shore of this lake all summer.
This is my home for the next 5 months.
It is somewhat comfortable and will improve when the plumbing thaws.
This is the falls where the salmon will be jumping and the bears will be fishing.
I wonder how many pictures i will take here this summer?

We have seen some bears already.
I have my first two days off starting tomorrow and will get back to my BLOG soon...j

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